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Mat Rules

1. Safety is our first priority. Always be careful and controlled with your training partners. Treat people as you would like to be treated. 


2. Toenails and fingernails must be kept trimmed. Proper hygiene must be maintained. All gis and training clothing needs to be washed after every class. 


3. Remove any jewelry, watches, piercings and anything that could catch and cause a hazard or tear skin. If your hair is long, make sure it’s pulled back and secured. 


4. A tap can be signaled by tapping your hand(s) or feet on your opponent or on the mat, or saying “tap” vocally. Tap firmly and/or loudly. When your partner taps, immediately stop the action and release any and all pressure. Respect the tap above all else. 


5. Tap early, tap often. There is nothing to be gained from getting injured in training. On the flip side, allow your partner time to tap. Do not apply submissions too quickly or too forcefully. 


6. No striking of any kind. 


7. No slamming. If you elevate your partner, it is your responsibility to bring them safely to the mat. 


8. No neck cranks, direct grabbing of the throat, or eye gouging. 


9. No small joint manipulation. You must grab four or more fingers/toes at a time if manipulating the hands or feet. 


10. Groin protection and mouth guards are not required, but are recommended.


11. No shoes or bags are allowed on the mats. Shoes must be worn outside the mats. No bare feet between the bathroom/locker room and the matted area.


12. When the instructors are teaching, remain silent and give them your full attention. Phones are to be stowed and not brought out in class. If you absolutely must take a call, exit the gym. 


13. Parents observing their children may remain outside the mat space, seated on the sidelines. Parents are not to coach students from the sidelines. Please keep noise to a minimum during class.


14. If you’re ill, stay home and rest. Do not come into the gym sick, for your own health and for that of your teammates. If you have any type of skin infection, you will not be allowed to train until it is cleared up. These bacterial and fungal infections can be highly contagious and spread quickly through an entire class. If you suspect you may have one or are not sure, err on the side of caution and see a doctor. 


15. Do not leave a mess. Pick up after yourself. 


16. Do your best to arrive before class begins. If late arrival is unavoidable, wait quietly at the edge of the mats for an instructor to welcome you in. 


17. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask an instructor. We are here to guide your progress and ensure the quality of your experience. 


18. To keep the gym a well oiled machine, we need everyone’s cooperation and team work. Your assistance is sincerely appreciated. 


19. Have fun!

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